Having been taught flat green bowls by a coach, and now a coach myself, I strongly recommend that anyone considering taking up the game - whatever the code - should follow suit.
Books, especially those that are well illustrated, can help to supplement coaching, and listed below are my selection of titles, albeit subjective, most suited to the needs of the beginner for crown, flat green and short mat bowls. Many of the titles are equally suitable for bowlers with some experience. If you are interested in the possibility of purchasing one of these books, please note:
- All books listed were published after 1980 so most are relatively easy to obtain through one or more of the sources described under Buying Books. Apart from the laws, most of the fundamentals are still relevant today.
- A number of the titles have been published in more than one edition; clearly the later edition(s) will be more up-to-date.
- If you need guidance on a purchase, do
and I'll be pleased to help.
Now known as the English Bowls Coaches Society.
†This is a revised and updated version of Lawn Bowls: A Guide for Beginners written by the same authors.