Over the last few years the number of conventional books on bowls coaching has been augmented by a number of ebooks (denoted by this symbol
) that are included in the table below. And don't overlook the relevant titles in the Videos and DVDs sections. In addition, you'll find much helpful information at the following sites:
- Written by Lachlan Tighe, coach to World Title, National Title and Commonwealth Games Gold Medal winners from Malaysia, Canada, India and New Zealand and the doyen of Australia's lawn bowls' coaches, Lachlan Tighe Bowls is the author's impressive new website. It not only provides an extensive treasure trove of coaching guidance to improve your game, but enables coaches to teach bowls at a higher level.
- The Bowls Development Alliance is funded by Sport England and supported by Bowls England and the English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd. One of its objectives is the development of a unified coaching framework across the country.
- The English Bowls Coaches Society (EBCS) exists to develop bowls coaching across all codes of bowls and this site is designed primarily for EBCS coaches and those considering becoming coaches. It includes a very useful section on
Purposeful Practices.
- Lawn Bowls Coaching from Bowls South Africa, although obviously written to meet local requirements, has several articles of value to most coaches.