picture on front cover/dust jacket
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Title Crown Green Bowls for Beginners
Author Brian Livingston
Publisher Brian Livingston, Liverpool, England
First published 2004
Edition reviewed 2nd (published 2006)
Hardback/softback Softback
List price £4.95; p&p extra
Cover size (cm)
(height x width)
21.0 x 14.9
Number of pages 36 (including advertisements)
Number of pages with Coloured photos Black & white photos Line drawings
  None None 5
Availability To purchase a copy of this book, please email Anita Baker, Brian's daughter, at anita.baker@sky.com or write to her at 43 Copeland Drive, Standish, Wigan, Greater Manchester, WN6 0XR.
Synopsis Brian Livingston, among other involvements in the game, was an active crown green coach since 1987 and a (non-active) referee. The dearth of up-to-date books aimed specifically at the beginner prompted him to write and compile this simple guide.

Following a short introduction the booklet starts with single page topics that include 'Personal Thoughts' and 'History of the Game of Bowls', followed by short chapters headed 'A Little Knowledge' and 'Points of Interest'. There follows a poem entitled 'This Could be You . . . or Me!', and then chapters on 'My First Lesson', 'Setting a Mark', 'Bowls are Tools of the Trade' and 'Equipment' - the latter incorporating a dozen exercises in the form of diagrams for the beginner to practise. The section 'To Help You' provides useful guidance and several tips, and is followed by chapters on 'Bias on Jack and Bowl', 'Terms Used in Crown Green Bowls', 'British Crown Green Bowling Association in Association with the English Coaching Scheme', 'Marking a Card' and 'British Crown Green Referees Society'. The final two parts, contributed by Stan Frith and Roy Armson respectively, are entitled 'Reading the Green' and 'Controlling the Length'.