Title (Click title below) | Author, etc | Year |
Study of the Game of Bowls, A | Norman Hellard | 1941 |
Scottish Bowling Association - Jubilee 1892-1942 | Rev H O Wallace | 1942 |
Bowling: Carswell's Scientific System - A Classic Bowling Method | J D Best | 1945 |
Lawn Bowling | Charles S Rettie | 1945 |
Bowling on the Green Around the World | Anon | 1946 |
Bowls for Beginners | J M Giles | 1946 |
Green Manual - The Construction of Bowling Greens and their . . . | W D Powell | 1947 |
Rhymes from the Greensward | E D Thorpe | 1947 |
Bowls | Harold Percy Webber | 1948 |
Lawn Bowling Handbook | Harold L Esch | 1948 |
New Way to Better Bowls, A | Dr John William Fisher | 1948 |
Bowls for All - A Practical Guide | William Stevenson | 1949 |
Construction, Renovation and Care of the Bowling Green | Enoch Bruce Levy | 1949 |
Gauvinier Takes to Bowls | Hugh de Sélincourt | 1949 |
Principles and Practise of Australian Bowls | 'Brownie' | 1949 |
How to Play Bowls Scientifically | James Hartley | 1940s |