picture on front cover/dust jacket
Don't overlook this link for more books on bowls for beginners.
Title Guide for Beginners
Compiling body English Bowls Coaching Scheme*
Publisher English Bowls Coaching Scheme*, England
First published 2006
ISBN 0-9553990-2-5
Edition reviewed 1st
Hardback/softback Softback
List price £4.00 (includes p & p)
Cover size (cm)
(height x width)
21.0 x 14.7
Number of pages 26
Number of pages with Coloured photos Black & white photos Line drawings
  4 None 2
Synopsis With an introduction by John Bell, holder of four World gold medals and manager of the England men's outdoor team, Guide for Beginners was written for newcomers to lawn bowls specifically to assist them by self-help and as a reference booklet throughout their bowls career. It is one of the four books in the excellent series produced by the EBCS (see links to the other three below). By reading this booklet pupils will come to Beginners Courses better prepared, resulting in coaches needing to spend less time in explanation thereby allowing more time for beginners to practise.

Among the topics covered are: joining a club; choosing bowls; delivering the jack; developing a delivery; line and length; starting to play; rink duties of lead, number two, number three and skip; formats of play - singles, pairs etc; types of shot; completing a score card; types of practice; check list of bowling principles; guide for markers; warming-up exercises; and glossary of bowling terms.

Overall, a first-class introduction to bowls for the newcomer and good value.

Details of how to purchase copies of this booklet may be found here.

Also by the English Bowls Coaching Scheme*:

  1. British Crown Green Bowls Coaching Manual - Levels One and Two crown green icon  (in collaboration with the BCGBA)
  2. Coaching for All - Levels One and Two
  3. Coaching for All - Level Three
  4. Coaching Young Players
  5. Guide to Improving
*Now known as the English Bowls Coaches Society