picture on front cover/dust jacket
Don't overlook this link for more books on bowls for beginners.
Title Crown Green Bowling for the Beginner
Author V S Bulley
Publisher Not stated, but probably V S Bulley
First published Not stated
Edition reviewed 1st
Hardback/softback Softback
List price £1.50
Cover size (cm)
(height x width)
20.9 x 14.8
Number of pages 40
Number of pages with Coloured photos Black & white photos Line drawings
  4 None 18
Synopsis This practical booklet is in no way intended to be about coaching and development of a style of bowling, but is aimed at people who have seen bowling taking place, possibly on television, and on watching have developed the urge to try it. It is hoped that the contents answer basic questions that may have crossed your mind, and that the information is easy to read and digest. The aim is to make you feel at home immediately you step onto a green, and to help take away any embarrassment.

The latter part of the book is to help you establish yourself in a club if you find enjoyment from your initial games, and where to get help, both practical and theoretical, from local and county sources.