picture on front cover/dust jacket
Title Construction, Renovation and Care of the Bowling Green
Author Enoch Bruce Levy
Publisher The New Zealand Greenkeeping Research Committee with the recognition and support of the N Z Bowling Association
First published 1949
ISBN Pre-ISBN system
Edition reviewed 1st
Hardback/softback Hardback
List price Not known
Cover size (cm)
(height x width)
21.3 x 14.0
Number of pages 84
Number of pages with Coloured photos Black & white photos Line drawings
  None 26 None
Synopsis The recommendations in this book were derived from 16 years greenkeeping research conducted at Hokowhitu, Palmerston North, by the Greens Research Committee under the auspices of the New Zealand Golf Council, and from close supervisiion of bowling greens over ten years.

The four chapters, with brief details of a selection of their contents, are:

Theory and Practice Underlying the Establishment and Maintenance of Greens
Soil fertility, acidity and acidification; poor physical structure; weeds and weed greens

Construction and turf establishment of new greens
Construction and layout; preparation of seed bed; fertiliser; seeds mixture and time of sowing; protection from birds; proofing against worms, porina and grass-grub

Renovation and Care of Established Greens
Renovation practice in autumn (operations 1-7); treatment subsequent to to autumn renovation (operations 8-10); winter mowing; after-opening care

Hormone weed killers; worms; porina and grass-grub; fungus diseases; turf analysis of plot treatments at Hokowhitu Greens Research Area