picture on front cover/dust jacket
Title The Lawn Bowler's Handbook
Authors Ezra Wyeth and Paul Thomas
Publisher Wyeth Enterprises, Mt Nebo, Queensland, Australia
First published 1973
ISBN 0-9599058-0-4
Edition reviewed 1st
Hardback/softback Softback
List price Not known
Cover size (cm)
(height x width)
18.2 x 10.8
Number of pages 72
Number of pages with Coloured photos Black & white photos Line drawings
  None None 21
Synopsis This little known, compellingly written and scarce publication is a teaching guide for bowlers based on an exhaustive analysis of bowling techniques used by the world's most skilful bowlers allied to kinesiology - the science of human motion. I wouldn't disagree with its claims to provide 'For the first time successful bowls on a sound scientific basis.'

The authors, Ezra Wyeth, a professor of education, and Paul Thomas, a professor specialising in kinesiology, are two internationally renowned sporting coaches and educationalists in their respective special disciplines. They combine an intimate knowledge derived from pre-eminent playing skills with soundly based scientific principles underlying the development of sporting skills, presented with clear logical reasoning.