picture on front cover
Title Home Study Manual
Publisher English Bowls Umpires Association (EBUA)
First published 2010
Edition reviewed Updated in 2015
Hardback/softback Softback (laminated card)
List price £15.10 (includes post and packing for UK purchasers)
Cover size (cm)
(height x width)
21.0 x 14.8
Number of pages 190
Number of pages with Coloured photos Black & white photos Line drawings
80 3 48
Availability UK purchasers may send a cheque for £15.10 payable to EBUA to the address shown on the EBUA Website. Alternatively, payment may be made using a debit or credit card via PayPal from the same page. Non-UK purchasers are kindly requested to the EBUA to confirm cost.
Synopsis Updated in 2015 to incorporate the Laws of the Sport of Bowls - Crystal Mark Third Edition, this manual provides the information required to assist intending umpires to qualify for the first grades (EBUA Marker and Regional Umpire) in the English umpiring programme and includes the following contents:
  • Introduction
  • Umpiring
  • Marking
  • Equipment
  • Measuring
  • Self Management
  • Laws of the Sport
  • Policy Document

Profusely illustrated with clear colour photographs and explanatory graphics, its logical structure and lucidly written text are complemented by working exercises and practical tips. To sample some of the impressive content, click here. Additionally, all relevant aspects of the manual are brought to life through the excellent companion Umpire Training DVD.

Overall a polished and professional publication - well deserving the complimentary reviews it's already received.

The Manual is also available as a PDF download at a cost of £3.50. To order please go to the EBUA's order page and follow the instructions.