picture on front cover/dust jacket
Title English Indoor Bowling Association Official Yearbook 2017/2018
Compiling body English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd
Publisher English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd, Melton Mowbray, England
First published Not known
Edition reviewed N/A
Hardback/softback Softback
List price £6.00 (£7.25 to include p & p)
Cover size (cm)
(height x width)
20.9 x 14.8
Number of pages 296, including advertisements
Number of pages with Coloured photos Black & white photos Line drawings
(excludes adverts) 56 None 1
Availability Click here for details of how to order from the EIBA.
Synopsis The contents of this fact-packed annual publication include: photo and message from the President, Margaret Allen; photos and contact details of the Board Members and Headquarters Staff; list of Past Presidents, Secretaries and Honorary Treasurers of the English Women's Indoor Bowling Association; list of Past Chairmen, Presidents, Secretaries, Honorary Treasurers and Life Members of the English Indoor Bowling Association; Diary of Events 2017/2018; details of the Senior Officials of the World Indoor Bowls Council and Country Representatives; detailed records of Major Competitions and Championships in 2016/17 with photographs of winners; information and regional contact details of County Sports Partnerships; section on the EIBA Vision and Plan for 2017/2021; section by the Bowls Development Alliance; Directors' Report; historical lists of International Players who have played for England; historical records of Winners and Runners-up of Major Championships; draws and rules for the Major National Championships in 2017/2018; list and contact details of Regional and Area Co-ordinators; details of the English Bowls Umpires Association's Executive Committee and Regional Officers; article on Bowls Stamping; list of Bowls' Manufacturers and Testers; detailed Directory of Member Counties (Ladies and Men); detailed Directory of Member Clubs; directory of Affiliated Bodies; separate Indexes of Photos and Contents; list of Advertisers.

The laws of indoor bowls are not included, nor are they available online, but see below for relevant information.

Also by the English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd: