picture on front cover/dust jacket
Title Bowls for the Young and Beginners
Author Ron Tarrant
Publisher A & R Enterprises, Mosman, Sydney, Australia
First published 1987
ISBN 0-954055-1-8
Edition reviewed 1st
Hardback/softback Softback
List price $A4.95
Cover size (cm)
(height x width)
23.0 x 14.9
Number of pages 80
Number of pages with Coloured photos Black & white photos Line drawings
  None 10 2
Synopsis Bowls for the Young and Beginners was prompted by the surge of interest in bowls by the younger generation in the 1980s.

Divided into four parts, the first - 'Youngsters at the Top' - explores how many of the best-known names in world bowls, including Tony Allcock, Peter Belliss, Glyn Bosisto, David Bryant, Richard Corsie, Phil Skoglund and Willie Wood, were all early starters to the game. This part also introduces Bevin Grove, qualified coach in four sports in addition to bowls and considered by many authorities in Australia as arguably having helped more youngsters to learn the game than any of his contemporaries. His coaching advice, tailored specifically for the young, is a valuable inclusion.

The second part, entitled 'The Fundamentals', encompasses aspects such as the choice of bowls, grip, stance, rolling the jack, the draw shot, drive, and so on. What makes this book different from most is that each of these fundamentals is examined through the eyes of champion bowlers and prominent coaches, namely Glyn Bosisto, Jack Murphy, Albert Newton, Gordon Sargeant and Frank Soars. For most readers, this is probably the most fascinating section of the book.

'The Lighter Side', part three, is a miscellany of subjects - largely humorously written - that includes a chapter entitled 'In the Past: Witty History'; interestingly, the content was chosen by youngsters.

Part four, a glossary of bowls terms, concludes the book.

Also by Ron Tarrant: