picture on front cover/dust jacket
Title Bowls
Author Anon
Publisher Training and Education Associates Ltd, London
First published 1973 (softback)
ISBN 0-85961-021-7
Edition reviewed 2nd (published 1974)
Hardback/softback Hardback
List price Not known
Cover size (cm)
(height x width)
21.4 x 14.5
Number of pages 37
Number of pages with Coloured photos Black & white photos Line drawings
  None 13 15
Synopsis This is one of a series of small books that were produced to provide an introduction to learning the skills of popular sports. Sponsored by the National Westminster Bank and part of an audio-visual filmstrip programme, they were prepared in co-operation with the national coaches for each sport. Each page is illustrated with four or five photographs and/or diagrams supplemented with explanatory text - presumably a transcript of the tape that accompanied the filmstrip. There are five parts entitled:
  • The Bowl
  • The Delivery
  • Taking the Green
  • Judging Pace
  • Duties
with each one being followed by a set of related questions.

Because of its numerous illustrations and brief text, the book would be a quick, useful read for the new bowler.