picture on front cover/dust jacket
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Title British Crown Green Bowling Association 1907-2007
Compiling body British Crown Green Bowling Association
Publisher British Crown Green Bowling Association
First published 2007
Edition reviewed 1st
Hardback/softback Softback
List price £7.50
Cover size (cm)
(height x width)
29.6 x 21.0
Number of pages 136 (including advertisement)
Number of pages with Coloured photos Black & white photos Line drawings
  15 29 3
Synopsis This is a well-illustrated, large format publication that celebrates the BCGBA's centenary and essentially consists of three main sections.

The first comprises a few pages largely concerned with the history of the game and the early years of the Association with reference to significant changes to the laws and administration.

Section two extends to over 40 pages and contains contributions from full members of the Association: Cheshire CGBA, Cumbria CGBA, etc. Typically, each one provides brief details of its history, number of clubs and districts, competitions and successes. A two-page spread headed 'The International Scene' comes towards the end of this section and interestingly refers to two crown greens in the USA and another in Australia; indeed both countries are associate members of the BCGBA.

The final section, which takes up more than half the book, lists details of the venues and scores for inter-county matches from 1908 to 2006.

Also by the British Crown Green Bowling Association: